
COMPOZYME contains multi-enzymes and viable spores of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis.  The enzymes are derived from fermentation of Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus orzyae.

The multi-enzymes hydrolyzeorganic matters such as beta-glucan, hemicellulose, protein, and decompose the cellscontained in pollutants.

The microbes in COMPOZYME are GRAS approved by FDAUSA, and designed to inhibit the growth of pathological and skatole forming bacteria and molds such as Fusarium oxysporum, phytium ultimum, Vericillium dahliae and Rhizoclonia solani.




The Compozyme is designed to inhibit the growth of pathological and skatole forming bacteria and molds.


 Non-chemical, safety assured.

 High bacteria content, specialized for intensive aquaculture.

 Contains multi-enzyme ( protease, amylase, lactase, lipase, hemicellulase ).

 Strong vitality, easily to become dominant species, easy to reactivate, high reliability.

 Effective in both aerobiosis and anaerobiosis.

 Effective in both fresh water and sea water. ( including pH, salinity, termperature )

 Effective in broad range of environmental conditions.

 Dry power form, high stability, easy to apply.

 Non-Toxic, No odor, No stimulation.

 No residue, no pollution, no side effects.



 Decomposes organic sludge. ( including excess feeds, dead planktons, excreta )

 Stabilizes water quality, prevents pond bottom form deterioration.

 Reduces BOD, COD, NH3, NO2-, etc.

 Ferments organic fertilizers. ( e.g. fish meal, feeds, tea seed cake, rice bran )

 Prevents and treats organic bubbles and floating clumps. ( resulting from dead planktons )

 Prevents and treats large, benthic, filamentous algae, over-blooming of algae.

 Mixes with freshes ( reduces pollution ), reduces occuurrence of disease.

 Promotes growth rate and production.

 Removes earth odor, improves taste of culture fishes.



 Composition and Mechanism





 Nitrogen Cycle in Aquaculture





 Keep under dry and cool conditions.




 1-10 ppm of polluted water.




 500 gm or 25 kgs / per pack